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College of Business and Economic Development

Certificate Programs

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如果您对以下任何证书课程感兴趣,请讨论如何 enroll in the program with your academic advisor.  

Undergraduate Certificate Programs

在当今的就业市场中脱颖而出,满足日益增长的需求 受过专业培训的销售人员,市场营销学院提供证书 in Professional Selling. 本证书旨在提高你必须具备的基本知识和技能 具备管理销售和客户关系的能力,并能提供相应的工具 to become a top salesperson. Students will be able to obtain hands-on selling practice in our state-of-the-art Professional Sales Lab. 

Coursework: (12 hours) MKT 330: Professional Selling; MKT 400L Advanced Professional Selling; MKT 430: Sales Management; One relevant elective

Upgrade your skills and boost your resume at the same time. The Business Management 证书可以帮助您学习如何在当今快节奏、循序渐进的环境中有效管理 competitive global work environment. It is designed for those who want to progress 在他们的职业生涯中,提高他们的领导技能,增加他们的贡献水平 to the goals of their organizations.

Coursework: (12 hours) MGT 364: Human Resource Management; MGT 495: International Management; MGT 375: Introduction to Entrepreneurship; MGT 454: Organizational Behavior 

The Casino and Resort Management and Marketing 证书课程帮助学生获得赌场度假村运营管理方面的专业知识. 这个证书是为酒店和旅游管理专业的学生设计的 作为对赌场度假村管理感兴趣的非商科学生 marketing careers. This certificate may also benefit gaming professionals or hospitality 以及寻求发展机会的旅游专业人士和/或教育工作者 希望重新学习和拓宽他们的赌场度假村管理和营销知识. 

Coursework: (12 hours) HTM 378: Casino and Resort Operations; HTM 472: Casino and Resort Marketing; Two relevant electives

从事零售销售的个人在决定一个公司的销售策略方面起着举足轻重的作用 供需预测,增加销售,确保客户满意度. The certificate program in Retail Merchandising 提供技能,使学生在动态的,消费者驱动的零售业中具有竞争力 merchandising field.

Coursework: (12 hours) MER 300: Principles of Merchandising; MER 436: Retail Buying and Assortment Planning; MER 337:Applied Merchandising; One relevant elective

Note: Merchandising majors are not eligible for this certificate.

无论职业道路如何,对金融的深刻理解都很重要 to manage both business and personal finances. The Personal Finance 证书的重点是建立一生的财务最重要的技能 wellness. The courses focus on financial decisions most relevant to individuals or 小企业主和不打算取代金融学位的地方 professional financial management careers. 

Coursework: (12 hours) FIN 200:Personal Finance; FIN 380: Financial Analysis; REI 330: Real Estate Principles; FIN 392: Estate and Business Planning

在全球市场的时代,成功的商业领袖需要高效地 计划和管理整个供应链的物料和信息流 from suppliers to consumers. The undergraduate certificate in Supply Chain Management 是为了传授市场营销、销售和分销方面的实用技能 and financial analysis. 

Coursework: (12 hours) MKT 370: Supply Chain Management; IET 370: Operations and Logistics Concepts; Two relevant electives

The Apparel Construction and Design certificate program offers a rich 360o 服装如何从一个人的好主意变成衣橱的方法 of millions of people. Through hands-on learning, you can experience apparel creation from the initial design phase all the way through marketing. You will also learn how 通过了解服装的历史和社会影响来预测需求 the way we dress. 

Coursework for Merchandising Major: (13 hours) THE 201: Introduction to Costume; THE 201L: Costume Laboratory; THE 401: Costume Design; THE 441: Costume Technology Studio; THE 460: Advanced Costume Design

Coursework for Theatre Major: (12 hours) MER 330: Textile Industrial Complex; MER 332: Societal Influences on Consumer Behavior; MER 437: Apparel Product Development

Coursework for Other Major: (15 hours) MER 330: Textile Industrial Complex; THE 201: Introduction to Costume; THE 201L: Costume Laboratory; Two relevant electives 

The certificate in Business Essentials 是专门为非商业专业的学生设立的,允许那些追求他们的 梦想在其他领域学习,有机会学习商业的基本原理 skills valued in every industry. Whether you are earning your degree in the arts, 护理、计算机工程、心理学或其他领域,所有学生都能从中受益 从商业原则的基础,补充他们的专业领域和 boosting career options. This program is not to be pursued by business students. 

Coursework: (12 hours) BA 100: Introduction of Business; FIN 200: Personal Finance; Two relevant electives

Note: Business students are not eligible for this certificate.

Graduate Certificate Programs

This Economic Development 证书旨在为在职人员提供知识和技能 or pursuing careers in economic development. The program was developed with working professionals in mind. All courses are offered in a blended format with interactive, web-based, evening classes and intense, in-person, weekend meetings. 

The main objectives of the program are to provide students with: 

  • 对经济发展(包括商业)的理论和实践理解 retention and expansion, business attraction and entrepreneurship
  • The ability to practice data-driven, results-oriented economic development. 

Coursework: (12 hours) ED 646: Business Attraction and Retention; ED 722: Economic Development Data Analytics and Theory; ED 736: Real Estate and Land Use Planning; One relevant Economic Development elective 

The Business Foundations 证书是专门为提供商业基础知识而设计的 on a graduate level. It is ideal for people who do not have a business background 但在各种职业中都要负责管理人员、项目和预算 fields. The knowledge acquired through this program is especially useful for those who wish to seek an MBA in the future.

Coursework: (12 hours) BA 650: Marketing Foundations; BA 600: Management Foundations; BA 611: Accounting Foundations; BA 670: Finance Foundations

The Sport Security Management 该计划旨在提供必要的管理能力和知识 needed to meet the safety and security challenges in a sport environment. This certificate 对于那些需要快速获得技能以开始新职业的人来说,这是理想的选择吗 sport security.

Coursework: (12 hours) SM 620: Introduction to Sport Security Management; SM 626: Threat and Risk Assessment of Sport Venues; SM 628: Sport Event Emergency Response Planning; One relevant Sport Management elective

The Instructional Technology and Design 证书旨在为学生提供探索该领域的机会 教学技术与设计,拓展其专业发展,融会贯通 technology in the workplace, and obtain credentials for career advancement. Students 可以从任何学科追求完全在线的教学技术和设计 certificate.

Coursework: (12 hours) ITD 645:教育技术,HCD 643:设计和开发的性能 Improvement, two approved ITD or HCD electives


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College of Business and Economic Development

3103 Scianna Hall
118 College Dr. #5021
Hattiesburg, MS 39406

Hattiesburg Campus

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College of Business and Economic Development

North Academic Building
730 East Beach Blvd. 
Long Beach, MS 39560

Gulf Park Campus

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