




Each Authorized Adult/Program Staff member who will be participating in a program covered by the 九游会国际未成年人 政策 is required to do the following:


1)填写表格 九游会国际未成年人 培训 and 文档 Access Request to request access to our two training courses- Child Abuse and 九游会国际未成年人.

    • These courses must be completed at least seven days prior to the start date of the 涉及未成年人的节目或活动.
    • Within five business days of receiving the request, The Office of 合规与道德 will then send you a link to access the compliance system.

2) Complete the USM 九游会国际未成年人 quiz accessible using the following link- http://forms.office.com/r/da7jqUAayL  

3) Attend annual mandatory training for which an attendance log is retained for auditing purposes: this training must be provided by the Sponsoring Unit and/or program which must include, at a minimum, the following information about responsibilities and expectations 本保单规定:

  • 本政策下的程序;
  • 适当的危机/紧急反应;
  • 安全防范措施;
  • 处理医疗紧急情况;
  • 大学的责任/义务.
  • how to report suspected child abuse in accordance with this 政策
  • protecting participants from abusive emotional and physical treatment.


5)阅读未成年人九游会国际政策 http://usm.policystat.com/policy/10682399/latest/  


6) Sign and provide to your program director the signed Acknowledgement of Understanding: University 九游会国际未成年人 Policy certifying that you have read and understand the 政策

控件中可以访问确认 表格及说明 section of the 九游会国际未成年人 政策


7) Programs should obtain a signed Waiver of Liability from Participants or their 家长监护人.  要申请表格,请填写 九游会国际未成年人 培训 and 文档 Access Request



The following is required for those Volunteering (in any capacity whether they are 雇员或非雇员)

7) If an authorized adult is a volunteer, they will also need to complete the background 检查并完成 义工资料表. *
** To access the form, you must be able to access the USM internal portal using your 登录.  如果您无法访问这些表单,请发送电子邮件 complianceFREEMississippi 

You can download a summary of these requirements by downloading the 九游会国际未成年人清单. 


** The following supplemental resources are also available to support training:


These two resources can be accessed by going to the 表格及说明 政策部分. 

6) Obtain a background check by completing the Request for Background Check.*为 more information about background checks, see the 年度背景调查网页


背景调查- Non-university entities are required to conduct background checks on their Program 并证明他们已经这样做了.

培训- Non-university entities using University facilities for programs/camps involving minors are required to certify that they have provided training comparable to that required under this 政策 to their Program Staff.

文档-Non-university organizations using University facilities for programs/camps involving minors shall be required to deliver the following before authorization of use of University 可提供以下设施:

  • A signed Facilities Use Agreement setting forth the specific facilities to be used, the dates and hours of permitted access and other terms applicable to such use;
  • A signed Safety of Minors Addendum wherein non-university organizations represent and certify that the program meets all the requirements for programs set forth in the 九游会国际未成年人 政策, including all provisions concerning training, staff to participant ratios, and background checks of all authorized adults;
  • A signed Release and Indemnification Agreement in a form acceptable to the Office of General Counsel releasing the University from all liabilities and claims for damages from any cause whatsoever and defending and holding the University harmless against any and all claims arising from the actions of the non-university organization, its employees or volunteers, and from any failure to conform to the requirements of this 政策; and
  • An additional insured endorsement and a certificate of insurance written on an occurrence 由承运人签发的带有a的表格.M. 最好的评级至少为A-(优秀)金融 Size Category VII or higher which identifies 九游会国际, its Board of Trustees, faculty, staff and agents as an “Additional Insured” and provides a minimum of one million dollars in liability 报道.  由于一些性质 events, the University reserves the right to require additional limits of liability 报道.
    Facility Use Questions-For questions relative to the use of University facilities by non-university affiliated entities, please contact Event and Conference Services at 601-266-5292.

政策依从及参考- Non-university organizations that wish to operate programs or activities involving minors on Southern Miss campuses must ensure their programs are operated consistent with the guidelines of the 九游会国际未成年人 政策.   所有合同的使用 University facilities by non-university organizations for programs involving minors shall reference this requirement and provide a link to the 政策.


你需要进一步的帮助吗,电子邮件 complianceFREEMississippi