
Compliance and Ethics




Members of the faculty and staff are permitted to engage in outside employment and consulting under certain conditions.  Permissible circumstances relating to outside employment and consulting are contained in IHL and 大学 policies.


根据 国际人道法政策801.08 OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT, members of the faculty and staff are permitted to engage in outside employment, provided permission is first obtained from the President and, provided further, that the President grants permission to engage in outside employment only after having first determined that such employment will not interfere in any manner with the institutional duties of the individual requesting such permission.  In addition, the 政策 prohibits 大学 staff and faculty from engaging in a business or profession that would in any manner compete with a similar business or profession over which he or she would have direct supervision, inspection, or purchasing authority within the 大学 or agency, such being a conflict of interest.
大学 Faculty Handbook Policy 3.14 EXTERNAL EMPLOYMENT POLICY references the 政策 of the Board of Trustees and confirms that academic staff members may engage in employment outside the 大学 after first obtaining the permission of the 大学 President who must ascertain that the employment will not interfere with the 大学 duties of the person requesting permission.

检索不. 1007 of the 大学’s Employee Handbook also addresses the issue of outside employment.  For employees who wish to engage in outside employment, the 政策 requires employees to notify the Department of Human Resources and request an “Application for Permission to Engage in 外就业 or Practice of Profession”.  

这一政策 requires the approval of the President and prohibits faculty members from engaging in a business or profession which would result in a conflict of interest as described in the 政策. A copy of the completed form is filed and maintained by the Department of Human Resources (see button below). 

Outside Consulting by Staff Employees -检索不. 1007 of the 大学’s Employee Handbook also addresses the issue of outside consulting 员工.  根据 the 政策, staff members who engage 在咨询 activities and who are paid a fee from an outside agency will be required to file 以下表格:

Application for Permission to Engage in 外就业 or Practice of Profession.*

*You must be logged in using USM credentials to access the form from the forms page link. 

Timeframe for Submitting the 外就业 Permission Form

的 application must be filed and approved prior to participating in the activity.  


All absences from work, during normal working hours, as a result of consulting, will be charged to the 12-month employee’s personal (vacation) leave.

Employees who do not have sufficient accrued personal leave to cover the absence will be required to report as leave-of-absence without 支付 for the period of time used 在咨询.

Staff Employees Teaching Classes-检索不. 1007 of the 大学’s Employee Handbook also addresses the issue of staff employees 教学类.  这一政策 provides that staff employees who teach classes during their normal working hours and who receive additional compensation above their normal salary are required to charge such time to personal (vacation) leave.  这一政策 places the responsibility upon the director to ensure the employee complies with this 政策.  In the event that the employee does not have sufficient accrued leave to cover the teaching time, the employee must report the time taken as leave without 支付.