
戴尔战争研究中心 and 社会



小姐issippi National Guard in the Field

的目标 War Stories: Preserving National Guard Voices is to capture and preserve the oral and written story of 小姐issippi’s National Guard 在转型过程中st 世纪.  In the wake of the Vietnam War, the role of the National Guard underwent 翻天覆地的变化.  This 戴尔战争研究中心 & 社会项目将编年史 that process as the National Guard shifted from its more traditional role into one that included action as a kinetic warfighting force in the Global War on Terror, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom, resulting in an exhausting series of multiple deployments to the battlefront.

The story of the National Guard’s transformation is multifaceted and ties into many of the most important cultural and military trends of the 21st 世纪.  Through capturing 口述历史 and collecting written documents, War Stories: Preserving National Guard Voices will accumulate and preserve invaluable primary sources concerning a host of important topics including: the National Guard's kinetic ability on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, the developing relationship between the National Guard 和 active military, the response to Hurricane Katrina, the stories of 小姐issippi guardsmen 和ir families during the stress of multiple deployments, the increasing diversity of the National Guard, 和 transforming relationships between the Guard and its home 社区.

► To help us preserve these vital stories by making a 捐款: 点击这里.

小姐issippi National Guard on the Home Front

方法: War Stories: Preserving National Guard Voices will center around gathering the 口述历史 of both serving 小姐issippi National Guardsmen and veterans.  也会有 an effort to obtain personal papers, including diaries and letters, as well as official documents such as operations orders and after action reports.  面试将会是 recorded (hopefully on video as well as audio, depending on funding), 和 resulting 录音将被转录.  All materials resulting from the study will be made available to the public and housed in the Center for Oral History and Cultural Heritage on the Southern 小姐 campus, or the Special Collections Division of the McCain Library and Archive 在印刷品的情况下. 

传播: War Stories: Preserving National Guard Voices will disseminate the collection in many ways, including podcasts and blogs, an interactive website, lesson plans distributed to public school teachers, radio broadcasts of interviews, video stories for local and regional news outlets, and through displays and interactive 位于 密西西比武装部队博物馆 在哈蒂斯堡的谢尔比营地.  We will also work with our partners at the 密西西比州人文委员会小姐issippi Department of Archives and History to disseminate the information widely.  The collection will also be used by Southern 小姐 scholars and graduate students to produce more long-term projects including books 和文章.  Once it becomes known, the collection will also become a research resource for scholars both nationally and internationally on the National Guard and our present 战争.

为什么是现在?  As historians have learned from World War II and Vietnam, waiting to gather the veteran story means that it can disappear.  It is a rare opportunity to identify a historically important moment while such a rich source base still exists.  从高级 leadership to the enlisted men on the front lines, 小姐issippi’s National Guardsmen are all around, many are still serving, 和ir memories of deployment are still 完整的.  Waiting means that some stories will be lost, while others fade with time.  It is imperative to seize this moment before it passes.  聚会也很重要 these stories while they retain a deep relevance to both a military that remains involved in such conflicts and a society that deals with the fallout of those conflicts. 

阅读博士. Andrew Wiest's blog post about how War Stories: Preserving National Guard Voices 请开始吧 点击这里

For more information, please email the 戴尔% 20中心.



Top: Soldiers with Troop C, 1st Squadron, 98th Cavalry Regiment, 小姐issippi Army National Guard, perform an area reconnaissance at the Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center as part of an Exportable Combat Training Capability exercise on July 28, 2015. The event exposes Guard Soldiers to combat training experiences needed to support 世界范围内的军队承诺.

下图:达斯汀·R中士. Cooley (right), of Company B, 1st Battalion, 155th Combined Arms Regiment, 小姐issippi Army National Guard, and Staff Sgt. 珍珠R. 艾伦, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1-155th CAB, assist evacuating a Bay St. 路易斯, 小姐., resident in need of medical care. 来自密西西比州格尔夫波特的库利说.,艾伦 麦库姆,小姐., are serving on state active duty as part of Operation Secure Magnolia - Hurricane Ike, on the 小姐issippi Gulf Coast.

U的出现.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply 或构成国防部背书.