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Freshman Application Process

Get ready to live Southern Miss!

我们很高兴你想去九游会国际哈蒂斯堡分校 campus your home away from home! The Department of Housing and Residence Life at Southern Miss为学生提供了一个方便、安全的生活场所 of their social and academic lives. The department is made up of 12 residence halls, 1栋公寓,10栋女生宿舍,10栋兄弟会宿舍 on-campus population of more than 3,500 students! 

Seymour on Laptop
Seymour Moving In
Seymour Lounging

Getting Started: The Housing Application

首先,祝贺你被九游会国际录取! 作为一名新生,你被要求在南方大学的第一年住在九游会国际里 小姐,除非你符合豁免条件,你可以在 Housing Portal. 考虑到这一要求,所有新生都将被安置在宿舍,但我们强烈 建议你尽快提交住房申请. The sooner it is 完成后,你就能越早地完成房间选择过程 在春天,这意味着有更好的机会选择你想要的建筑 prefer to live in.

以下是有关新生申请流程的信息,请审阅 these steps carefully!

Step 1 - Apply and get accepted to Southern Miss

In order for you to access the Housing Portal 并申请九游会国际住宿,你必须被录取. From here, 您将收到您的学生证并创建一个密码,以便能够登录SOAR和 the Housing Portal.


一旦你收到了你的学生号和密码,你就可以登录了 into the Housing Portal using the same credentials. After you log in, you'll want to select "Application 门户”,然后选择“秋季2024 -” Spring 2025 Housing Application." 

Step 3 - Fill out the Housing Application

你需要阅读并填写要求你提供的信息. This should take you about 10 - 15 minutes to complete.

Step 4 - Read and sign the Housing Contract

一旦你完成了第三步,你需要阅读房屋合同 sign it, and submit. 如果你在申请时未满18岁,父母 will need to read and sign the parent contract.

Step 5 - Pay the Housing Application Fee

现在你已经填好了住房申请表,签了住房合同, 为了完成申请,你需要支付申请费 and submitted.

Important Dates

October 1: 住房申请开始在网上提供(这个日期永远不会改变) year to year)

October 1 - March 1: 这是优先窗口,申请费为75美元

March 2 and on: 一旦过了优先窗口,申请费就会涨到150美元

请注意:住房申请没有一个固定的截止日期,但我们再次 advise you to complete it as soon as possible.

Apply Here

既然你已经提交了住房申请,第一个任务就完成了! The 房间选择过程将于5月开始,所以请继续关注这一点 page for further information when it becomes available. We also advise to start checking 您的USM邮件定期,所以你不会错过重要的住房相关的电子邮件. In the 同时,你可以点击查看我们提供的住房选择 here

Finding a Roommate

现在你已经完成了你的住房申请,正在等待房间的选择 过程开始,你可以开始考虑你想要和谁做室友! 有几种方法可以帮助你找到室友,下面是一些信息 about those options and processes.

Option 1 - Roommate Connection

室友连接流程将于2023年12月1日至明年4月开放 30, 2024 in the Housing Portal. 这个过程可以让你与其他正在寻找的新生建立联系 2024年秋季学年到2025年春季学年的室友. You'll create a profile 填写一份调查问卷,一旦完成,其他人就可以查看你和你的调查 can view others who have filled it out. You will be able to initiate communication 通过USM的电子邮件与其他新生联系,所以请确保你是 checking yours to see who is reaching out to you. Once you've paired up with someone 在室友连接过程中,你可以停用你的帐户,这样你就不会继续了 to receive emails from other students.

选择2 -在黑色和金色日遇到一个潜在的室友或已经认识的人

黑色和金色日是为被录取的学生准备的,也是发掘潜力的好方法 roommate in person! 如果在网上找室友很有挑战性,这是一个 great alternative. 你也可能已经认识一些来自你家乡的人 参加USM,这也是你的另一个选择,与室友配对.

Option 3 - Random Roommate

如果你填了室友问卷参加了黑色和金色纪念日,但是 still have not found a roommate, don't worry! Other residents going through the room 选择过程中可以查看哪些床位仍然可用,并可以选择 room you booked. 如果你的房间仍然没有指定的室友,宿舍可能会安排其他人 in that empty bed as well.

Roommate Requests

如果你找到了一个选择1或2的室友,或者和 已经有室友了,你可以继续提交室友申请了 the Housing Portal! 你们两个都需要提交一份室友申请,这样宿舍工作人员就会知道你们 both want to live in the same room. Once the room selection process begins, whoever 有更早的日期和时间来挑选房间就可以选择房间了吗 pull that roommate in with them. The roommate who is being pulled into the room must go into the Housing Portal to accept this in order for the process to be completed.

请注意:为了处理室友请求,你们两个都必须有 completed a housing application. It will not work if only one of you has applied.

Honors/Luckyday/ACES Students

如果你是一名被荣誉学院,Luckyday或ACES录取的学生 学习社区,你需要和社区里的另一个学生住在一起. 指定的宿舍为这些课程保留,并提供进一步的信息 will be shared via email. 同时,您可以通过以下方式了解每个程序的更多信息 clicking here


如果你对住房申请或室友选择过程有疑问, you can email us at reslifeFREEMississippi or call 601.266.4783 Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., CST and we will be happy to assist you!

Important Information

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