

History Undergraduate Course Descriptions


**This is not a complete list of course offerings. 请使用课程目录 SOAR提供准确的建议.**


Dr. 约翰的冬天 
T / TH 9:30-10:45AM 
This course is a survey of American history from Reconstruction to the present day. Through lectures, readings, and in-class discussions, we will examine the major political events, social and economic developments, international influences, and cultural changes that have impacted the nation since 1877. 到最后 class, we will have a better understanding of how we got to where we are today, what role the United States plays in the world, and the many ways individuals and communities shape and are shaped 他们周围的世界. 
Dr. 考特尼Luckhardt 
米/ W 9:30-10:45AM 
This course will introduce students to a formative period of early medieval history, 300-1000 CE. We will emphasize the mash-up of Roman, Germanic, Christian, and non-Christian traditions into a new medieval civilization. We will trace the development of communities and cultures; social relations and economic conditions; political, religious and intellectual 制度和思想. The principal goal will be to acquire an informed understanding of certain themes, such as “ethnogenesis” (nation or ethnic formation); the significance of monotheism (belief in one god); the nature of medieval source material, especially historical texts, religious texts, and material culture (archaeology). 我们的任务 the semester will be to examine the transformation of the relatively unified, urbanized, polytheistic Roman Empire of Late Antiquity into the distinct, deurbanized, monotheistic, and politically divided civilizations of Latin (Catholic) Christendom, Greek (Orthodox) Christendom, and the Caliphates of Islam. 
Dr. 约翰的冬天 
T / TH 2:30-3:45PM 
Students in this course will engage with the theory and methods of public history. 本课程分为两个部分. Section 1 is the scholarly analysis of public history and museums through readings, case studies, and seminar-style discussions. We will analyze the philosophy and practice of the museums and historic homes, explore what it means to do "activist" public humanities, explore the wide world of digital history, and interrogate the purpose and power of public parks and memorials. 由 end of this section, we will have addressed the question: what is public history and 究竟谁是公众? In Section 2, we will meet every class period at the Special Collections in the McCain Library and Archives. 作为一个团体,在协助下 of USM librarians, you will conduct research on a topic related to the semesterly theme and contribute to a publicly accessible exhibition on the history of USM. 你 will do this in small teams and present your group projects to the campus community. 
World in the 20th Century: Global History of Mass Incarceration 
Dr. 卡蒂亚Maslakowski 
T / TH 1:00-2:15PM 
Prisons and jails across the globe currently hold more than 10 million people, approximately one-fifth of them in the United States alone. 本课程向学生介绍 intertwined histories of the modern prison and various types of detention camps (concentration, forced labor, prisoner-of-war, refugee) that became ubiquitous over the course of 现代. With an eye to both similarity and difference, the course aims to investigate these developments from an integrated global perspective in an effort to understand the ideas behind the implementation of specific systems of confinement and the lived experience of those confined. 
Dr. 帕特里克Hoehne 
米/ W 1:00-2:15PM 
This cross-listed course for graduate and advanced undergraduate students explores the history and mythology of the American West. “狂野西部”在美国经久不衰 memory as a dangerous, violent, and romantic region. 的确,是金子、枪和绞架 continue to dominate many of our popular representations of this history. 但是 西部扩张真的像这样吗? 这真的是无法无天吗? 到底有多暴力? How likely were you to die of dysentery? In this course, we will answer those questions 和更多的. 
This course will span from the colonial period through the dawn of the twentieth century. This is not a simple narrative of the continuous movement of settlers towards the Pacific Ocean, but a twisting and complicated history of many peoples, movements, 交换和碰撞. As we move across this range, we will examine violence, 种族,法律,性别和经济. We will also trace the roots of the mythologization of the West and appraise media representation in print as well as in both film and 视频游戏. 
U.S. 外交关系 
Dr. 希瑟Stur 
T / TH 11:00AM-12:15PM 
In this course, we will explore the relationships that the U.S. 与其他国家的关系 from America's founding to the Global War on Terror of the 21st century. 我们将学习 politics, war, diplomacy, culture, and ideas, and we will see how America's relationship with the world has shaped the lives of people at home and abroad. 到最后 semester, we will use the historical contexts of U.S. 外交关系来帮助我们 understand America's current relationships with allies and adversaries and to think 关于美国如何.S. might respond to ongoing and potential conflicts around the world. 




118大学博士. #5037



