
Media and Entertainment 艺术

可用性: 海湾公园 and 哈蒂斯堡 Options

Media and Entertainment 艺术

Creating and Entertaining

The degree in media and entertainment arts prepares students to enter the multibillion-dollar media and entertainment arts industries. The program features a set of core courses in media production and industry essentials shared by three majors: MEA Management, geared for students interested in the business side of entertainment; Video 艺术, for students desiring the commercial and visual side of entertainment, and Sound & Recording, for students interested in music and live productions. 电影节目 is housed on USM’s beautiful Gulf Coast campus and prepares students to contribute to the growing fields involving cinematic writing, producing and promoting. 电影学院 ask students to engage both in the artistic elements of film and its applications across fields that value visual story telling.  

请求的信息 应用

4ways to customize your degree
3production, one management student organizations
2program-specific scholarships


All students in the School of Media and Communication begin their journeys with a small set of core courses. These are COM110, a one-hour class that discusses the careers and opportunities available in Media and Communication; COM210, a two-hour skills class centered on Digital Skills, and COM310, Social and Digital Media, which introduces students to analyzing and creating social media. Recording industry production majors learn studio audio recording and editing skills for various platforms while management majors focus on festival and talent management and record company operations. Video arts learn to communicate a core message through visual content, with an emphasis on sharp digital content using single and multi-camera techniques, pre-production and concept development, writing for radio, television and film, and post-production 程序.

All students in the school are highly encouraged to do at least one internship during 他们的大学生涯. We know that internships are among the best indicators of successful placement after graduation. Student are encouraged to attend one of the regular internship meetings each semester to learn how internships work and how the school can assist 在获得一个. Recent internships have included a variety of television and live production positions, as well as many social media and other content creation jobs.

Each year the USM Foundation awards over $20,000 in scholarship funds geared toward students majoring in the School of Media and Communication. Using the Golden Opportunities (GO) Scholarship and Competitive Programs Application System, students can easily search, review requirements, apply and accept awards for available scholarship opportunities. 应用 for scholarships through the GO system.

Your success is our success.

Whether working with students on class projects or honors theses, team projects or student groups, advising or chatting when we run into you on campus, we take the time to get to know our students. All of the faculty in the School are active in research projects and creative endeavors, balancing disciplinary leadership positions, and serving the university in important ways, but we always find time to help students. Your success is our success.


  • 商业生产
  • 音响师
  • 电视录像制作人
  • 视频电影编辑
  • Talent and Event Manager
  • 屏幕的作家
  • 特纳·克拉克,1976年
    songwriter, producer, CEO and chief creative officer, DMI Music & 媒体解决方案
  • 亚历克斯·范德里斯特,2013年
    Brand Partnerships, MilkMoney Inc.
  • David Sheffield, 1972,
    film and television writer
  • 迭戈·贝拉斯科,1995年,
    film writer-director-producer
  • Makareta Rademakers, 2017,
    Sports Production, Sky TV New Zeland
  • 扎克·鲍尔,2015 
    DIT/Colorist, Mad Genius Labs, INC