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Undergraduate Scholarships

External Opportunities

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我们提供了各种外部资源来帮助我们的学生找到替代方法 支付大学费用,管理大学费用,并安排时间以确保我们的学生 are financially ready for each academic year. Below, we have provided quick links 向一些国家奖学金搜索引擎和外部资金资源进行探索 options. We understand that college expenses can add up, and we want to provide our 学生们有很多可靠的选择,以确保他们做出明智的财务决策 decisions to fund their college expenses. 

这些资源不由南方大学管理或协调 Mississippi and represent third party organizations. The Office of Undergraduate Scholarships 和九游会国际不负责申请 process, funds, or monitoring of these third-party sites. Please, use your best judgment 我们办公室的最佳实践提示如下,以帮助识别潜在的欺诈行为 offers. 

Applying for Additional Scholarships:


  • Research the organization: 搜索商业改善局的投诉和评论,打电话和客户交谈 服务代表(询问有关公司历史/业绩的问题),询问他们 to mail you an information packet if possible.
  • Verify the process: 事先与公司或组织取得联系,以获取相关信息 申请流程,时间表,付款方法,如何提交投诉,客户 服务政策,以及所有其他相关信息的跟进和解决 issues to verify legitimacy.
  • Do not give out sensitive information: 这可以是诸如社会安全号码、银行信息或信息之类的项 otherwise not typically asked for a scholarship offer.
  • Do not click on suspicious emails: 黑客可以使他们的欺诈网站看起来合法,甚至使用一个真正的公司 name in the URL. Instead, go to the company's website by typing the URL directly into your browser. If you're still in doubt, phone the company.
  • 不要在电子邮件中填写要求你提供个人或财务信息的表格: 只与你正在合作的公司交流这些信息 the phone or on a secure website.
  • 在输入敏感信息时,请确保您在安全的网页上: 安全的Web页面将在其Web地址的开头使用http:(注意“s”) 如果您使用微软Internet Explorer浏览器,您可能还会看到一个安全提示 lock image in the bottom right of the browser window.


  • 一旦你完成了你的个人资料,你就可以访问Fastweb的数据库 1.5 million scholarships. That's $3.4 billion dollars in funding - all available to students like you!
  • 你可以表明你想申请哪些奖学金,哪些你不感兴趣 in and those you've already completed.
  • Start applying for scholarships you're already qualified for. It's up to you to apply but with Fastweb, you're never on your own.
  • Resources to help you with tough financial aid decisions.
  • Nearly 10,000 part-jobs available in top industries.

Need help finding college scholarships? No problem. Register to get free access to more than 5 million college scholarships.

  • 寻找与你的技能、活动和兴趣相匹配的大学奖学金 on the profile you create.
  • 设置自定义提醒,当有新的奖学金符合您的个人资料时通知您 becomes available.
  • Plus, be entered to win $1,000 in our monthly sweepstakes.1
  • Register for free at 

搜索超过8000个奖学金、研究金、助学金和其他经济援助 award opportunities by visiting 

  • 查看下面按照截止日期排列的奖学金列表
  • Narrow your list with "Search by keyword." Enter a keyword about the type of award you're looking for
  • 使用过滤器只查看特定奖项类型、地点、学习水平的奖项, and more

More About the FAFSA and Other Financial Aid Opportunities



Click here 以获取有关FAFSA和大学的更多信息 processes. 

Click here 观看更多学习如何管理学生贷款和经济援助的视频 while at Southern Miss.

Other Resources

下面是一些清单,可以帮助你自信地探索所有的问题 通过大学和可靠的外部机构提供的财务选择 resources.

更多的资源和链接可在GO系统的“外部” tab. 

学术共同市场是一个为2015年的大学生提供的学费节省计划 SREB州,他们想要攻读州内机构不提供的学位. 学生可以在提供学位课程的州外机构注册 pay the institution’s in-state tuition rates. More than 1,900 undergraduate and graduate programs are available.

  • ACM项目不是竞争性的,也不是择优录取的,但申请人必须满足州的要求 residency and college program requirements.
  • 为了符合学术共同市场的资格,学生必须是SREB的居民 成员国,选择一个参与计划是批准的学术共同 他或她的国家的市场,并被无条件地允许进入该计划.

我们鼓励Phi Theta Kappa会员申请这些额外的奖学金 available through the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and utilize their additional resources: 

这些奖学金可以与九游会国际的Phi Theta Kappa奖学金相提并论 in accordance with IHL regulations.

所有本科奖学金办公室对国际学生平等开放 that meet the requirements. International students are included in the application 池自动考虑,自动匹配,并申请奖学金机会 provided by the University. We also encourage you to apply for any "other recommended opportunities" suggested for you in the GO System, as well as any on our website. We have also included additional external scholarship resources designated for international students.留学美国一直与国际学生分享教育机会 for over 40 years. We only work with high quality, accredited English language programs, universities and colleges and reputable partners. StudyUSA+ helps students take advantage 通过在一个安全的平台上注册来发现这些机会.国际奖学金搜索是最重要的经济援助,大学奖学金 and international scholarship resource for students wishing to study abroad. At this 网站,你会发现最全面的助学金,奖学金,贷款项目, 和其他信息,以协助高校学生在他们的追求 study abroad.是经济援助、大学奖学金和助学金信息的主要资源 for US and international students wishing to study abroad. At this site, you will 找到最全面的大学奖学金搜索和助学金列表,加上国际 student loan programs and other information to promote study abroad. 

Contact Us

Office of Undergraduate Scholarships
Kennard-Washington (KWH) 200
118 College Drive #5011
Hattiesburg, MS 39406

Hattiesburg Campus

Campus Map

