



interested in 联谊会 and Sorority Life at Southern Miss? 你知道吗? 一个人 who would make a great member of a chapter at Southern Miss? 让我们知道我们的办公室 can personally reach out and provide additional information about our community.



的 first step in figuring out how to join, is to figure out which council 你 are 有兴趣加入. We recommend first taking time to learn about our three governing 学生的身体. 

学院泛希腊理事会| If 你 are 有兴趣加入 a CPC organization, please fill out the general FSL权益表格. Registration for 2024 formal recruitment will open in late spring. 了解更多信息 关于CPC,请访问 中国共产党的网站. 

国际兄弟会理事会(IFC) | If 你 are 有兴趣加入 an IFC organization, please fill out the general FSL权益表格. 了解更多信息 about IFC, visit the 国际金融公司的网站. 

全国泛希腊理事会(NPHC) | You must complete at least 12 Southern Miss credit hours before 你 are eligible for membership in any NPHC organization. Interested members must attend the NPHC Informational at the beginning of any semester in order to be eligible to join within that calendar 一年. To learn more about the NPHC intake process, visit the NPHC网站. 

It is important to note that the cost of membership varies chapter by chapter. 学期 dues are determined by individual organizations, in consultation with their inter/national 联盟组织. 的se are updated ranges for the 2023 - 2024 academic 一年:


  • 第一学期会费:300 - 800美元
  • 下学期会费:500 - 700美元


  • 学期会费:$450 - $800


  • Initial membership dues: $1,000 - $3,000
  • 年费:100 - 300美元

We believe that membership in fraternities and sororities offers the opportunity to make a large campus feel a little smaller. 我们组织的会员资格 will help connect a student to new opportunities and new friends. 会员资格可以创建 归属感和社区意识. 兄弟会 and sororities consistently earn higher GPAs than their unaffiliated undergraduate counterparts. 其中最特别的一个 parts of membership is the ability to make connections that will last a lifetime. 联谊会 and sorority members often remain active university alumni and contribute to campus from their first day on campus until long after they graduate!

You may worry that the extra social events and responsibilities of being in a chapter 会占用学习时间吗. Being a member is a time commitment, but one of the core values of membership is scholastic excellence. 所有的兄弟会和 sororities require a minimum grade point average that members must maintain to join 并保持会员身份. Organizations often offer access to academic resources and provide 对其成员的问责. 的 fraternity and sorority community values the importance of a quality education and academic excellence is a priority. 联谊会 and Sorority Life chapter grade reports can be found 在这里

联谊会 and Sorority Life supports the 九游会国际反欺侮政策. Chapter members and leaders engage in annual anti-hazing education through the University 以及他们的国际/国家组织. Members are encouraged to contribute to our community of high ideals and report any behavior antithetical to those ideals.

Like members of other student organizations, some may choose to consume alcohol. 也 like members of other student organizations, some choose not to drink. 兄弟会 and sororities at Southern Miss are supported by both their inter/national organizations and the University to ensure they are making safe, responsible, and legal decisions 与饮酒有关. 联谊会 and sorority membership offers an added layer of support in decision-making throughout college to which many unaffiliated students 没有.

九游会国际 values an inclusive community that embraces the diversity of people and ideas, a campus culture characterized by warmth and mutually-supportive connections among students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

Southern Miss Anti-Discrimination Policy states that "all persons have equal access to educational, programmatic and employment opportunities without regard to age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, gender identity, genetic information, religion, race, color, national origin, and/or veteran status pursuant to applicable state and federal law." 

联谊会 and Sorority Life is committed to supporting those institutional values. Many chapters and councils offer programming that encourages the exploration of individual identities and the ways in which people interact with each other. 虽然个人 chapters ultimately have the right to control their membership, they are supported in their efforts to be inclusive, welcoming organizations. 



Greek Seekers help promote the values and benefits of 联谊会 and Sorority Life 致准会员和学生. 的y attend local and regional recruitment and transition events with the Office of 招生 and Office of Orientation & 过渡 项目. 他们很高兴见到你!



R.C. 厨师工会



